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Recognizing And Responding To The Regulatory Implications Of Climate Change Legislation

The recent run-up in gasoline prices is inconsequential compared to the likely impact of potential "cap and trade" legislation to address global warming recently considered by Congress. But most of American business is only beginning to understand the breadth of those impacts and to think about...

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Assessing And Managing Your Privacy and Security Risks - Part II

Part I of this article, which can be found on our website at, introduced the need for companies in all industries to conduct a privacy and information security risk assessment and identified some of the preliminary steps for this assessment. Part II of this article...

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July Is No Time For Slacking Off: New Corporate Certifications And Disclosures Required By The Honest Leadership And Open Government Act

Lobbyists typically can take a breather when Congress takes its July 4 recess. Not this year. In fact, this summer is a time of high stress in the lobbying community, and for any corporation that employs or retains lobbyists, because compliance with new requirements under the Honest Leadership and...

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Assessing And Managing Your Privacy and Security Risks - Part I

Part 1 of this Article introduces the need for companies in all industries to conduct a privacy and information security risk assessment, and identifies some of the preliminary steps for this assessment. Part II of this Article will identify the remaining steps necessary for a thorough and...

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Decisions Warn Contractors Of Government's Hard Line Approach On Fraud

Two decisions, one from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit and the other from the Court of Federal Claims (COFC), provide cautionary tales for companies doing business with the Government. In Long Island Sav. Bank, FSB v. United States , 503 F.3d 1234 (Fed. Cir.2007), issued...

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Understanding The Carbon Footprint - New Green Advertising Claims Under Scrutiny Despite Lack of FTC Guidelines

As global warming and climate change gain more attention, a new generation of environmental advertising claims has emerged around the issue of cutting carbon dioxide emissions. Consumers have ever increasing choices to purchase carbon offsets, renewable energy certificates and products that are "...

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Online Advertisers Beware: Privacy Regulators Closing In On Online Tracking

Privacy concerns pose an increasing threat to ubiquitous online tracking practices that underpin many commercial successes on the web. As a matter of course, many online actors record website visitors' Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, which are strings of numbers identifying a device connected to...

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