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Consumer Product Manufacturers Face Reduced Consumer Product Safety Commission Data Protection

The Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA), signed into law on August 14, 2008, provides the greatest expansion of the Consumer Product Safety Commission's (CPSC's) authority since Congress first established the agency in 1972. The CPSIA gives the CPSC increased staffing and funding, new...

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The NAD: A Primary Forum For Resolving Advertising Disputes

The National Advertising Division of the Council of Better Business Bureaus ("NAD") has become the advertising dispute resolution forum of choice for companies contesting allegedly misleading national advertising claims because it is a faster, simpler, and less costly alternative to litigation....

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Identifying And Dealing With A Financially Troubled Franchisee

Franchisors dealing with financially distressed franchisees will find that three maxims generally hold true: an out-of-court work-out is usually preferable to a Chapter 11 filing or receivership; if bankruptcy or receivership is unavoidable, a pre-packaged or pre-negotiated restructure plan is...

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New OFAC Enforcement Guidelines

On September 8, 2008, the Office of Foreign Assets Control ("OFAC") issued new enforcement guidelines that took effect immediately but are open for public comment until November 7. The Economic Sanctions Enforcement Guidelines1abandon OFAC's 2006 effort to create risk-based enforcement procedures...

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Congress Considers Legislation To Toughen IP Enforcement

Congress is considering several bills purporting to strengthen the rights and remedies available to copyright and trademark holders and make it easier to prosecute repeat offenders by creating a new federal agency to oversee intellectual property enforcement. The House measure, HR 4279, known as...

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Business Aircraft Liabilities In Mergers, Acquisitions And Reorganizations

Many large corporations own private aircraft for business purposes and to provide senior executives with efficient, fast, safe and secure transportation. However, aircraft-related liabilities can affect both the seller and acquirer during the acquisition, sale, merger or reorganization of a...

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Civil Rights For The Twenty-First Century: Act Prohibits Discrimination Based On Genetic Information

In what is being hailed as "the first civil rights bill of the new century," Congress overwhelmingly passed a bill that prohibits the use of genetic information and genetic testing in underwriting with respect to health insurance and employment. President Bush signed the Genetic Information...

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