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Homebuilder Bankruptcy Cases - What You Need To Know

With the recent decline in housing and real estate generally, companies in the homebuilding and construction markets face serious challenges. Some projects have already been forced into Chapter 11, and others will almost certainly require either a bankruptcy filing or out-of-court restructure. In...

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Privacy Expectations Of Job Applicants: Tips For Employers In Conducting Background Checks

The practice of conducting pre-employment background checks has become increasingly popular in recent years. There are a number of reasons for employers to perform background checks on job applicants. First, federal and state laws often require that background checks be conducted for certain jobs...

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The New Rules For Personal Use Of Business Aircraft: What You Need To Know And Do

In recent years, the media, U.S. Internal Revenue Service and U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission have expressed some disapproval of private aircraft use by businesses. There is a general perception that personal use of business aircraft is extravagant and difficult to justify (despite...

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New Lobbying And Gift Laws Signed Into Law

With President Bush's signature, the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007 (formerly S. 1) was enacted on September 14, 2007. Many provisions in this new law affect corporations, trade associations, and other organizations that employ or retain lobbyists through changes in federal gift...

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New Life for Corporate Speech - Wisconsin Right To Life

Political speech by corporations and labor unions during election periods received a major boost in the U.S. Supreme Court's June 25, 2007, decision in FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc . ("WRTL"). This case was of intense interest by those who represent business organizations in Washington. We...

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Public Accommodations: Make Title III Of The ADA Good For Business - Part II

Lawsuits involving public accommodation under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA" or the "Act") have proliferated over the past several years. A combination of virtual strict liability for new construction and the availability of attorneys' fees have - to use the words of one...

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For The First Time, The FTC Indicates That Media Companies Are Subject To Challenge For Deceptive Advertising

In its history, the Federal Trade Commission has never sued a media company for running an allegedly deceptive advertisement for someone else's product or service. Now that may be changing. In a July 9, 2007 letter closing an investigation of a national radio network involving advertising by the...

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