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The Recovery Act's Buy American Restrictions

Section 1605 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (Recovery Act) contains a unique "Buy American" provision that prohibits the use of foreign iron, steel or manufactured goods on projects funded through the Recovery Act, subject to certain exceptions discussed below. Specifically, section...

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Unmasking Anonymous Posters To Your Website

Businesses are increasingly faced with a "new" kind of subpoena - one that seeks the identity of persons who have posted information anonymously to the company's website, blog or chat room. Typically, these subpoenas seek the names, addresses and IP addresses of commenters. The reasons for doing...

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Overview Of The CFIUS Process

It is the established policy of the United States government to "support unequivocally" international investment in the United States, "consistent with the protection of the national security."1 In particular, foreign investors seeking to merge with or acquire a U.S. company should have an...

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The FDA: Its New Regulatory And Enforcement Emphasis

Editor: Jim, tell us how you developed an interest in regulatory law practice and your current practice. Czaban: I first developed an interest in FDA regulatory law while working with Dick Merrill, the former FDA Chief Counsel and Dean of the University of Virginia School of Law. Dick is one of...

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The BlackBerry® Battle: Answering The Call On Cybersecurity

President Obama is passionate about connectivity. He is easily our most Internet-savvy President, and is the first to actively use email while in office. His passion runs so deep that despite dire warnings by the Secret Service and other advisers about the serious risks associated with a President...

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Business Aircraft Purchasing Protocols

After more than a year of collapse and stagnation, business aircraft sales are recovering. This is a good time to (re)consider how you approach a corporate aircraft acquisition. The acquisition of an aircraft for corporate or personal use is inevitably a unique transaction for the buyer. It...

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New Medicare Reporting Requirements For Self-Insured Businesses Kick In: Many Questions Remain Unanswered

U.S. businesses of all sizes (and certain overseas businesses as well) must register on-line with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and comply with new federal Medicare reporting requirements if: (i) they are fully or partially self-insured against third-party liabilities, and...

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