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Wiley Rein: Making A Workplace Environment Comfortable For Everyone

Editor: Ms. Tatum, would you tell our readers something about your background and professional experience? Tatum: Before going to law school I worked as a teacher. I put myself through law school teaching French at Rice University. I graduated from the University of Houston Law Center in 1980....

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A Practice Focused On Payors: At The Intersection Of Healthcare Plans And Governmental Contracting And Regulatory Work

Editor: Ms. Powell-Woodson, would you tell our readers something about your background and professional experience? Powell-Woodson: I have been practicing for 25 years. Over that time I have practiced in a number of different venues. I served as an Assistant Attorney General for the Commonwealth...

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2006 Experience Highlights Need For Data Security Vigilance

As we begin the new year, maintaining appropriate security protections for personal information should be a high priority in 2007 for companies in all industries. Data security, which vaulted to prominence in 2006 in the overall context of information regulations, has emerged as a critical area...

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So You Want To Import: A Primer On Basic Customs Issues

Almost every important customs issue stems from one of four questions: What is it? Where did it come from? How much did it cost? How do you know? These questions resolve themselves into issues of country of origin, classification, valuation and record keeping. As an importer, one should not rely...

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Acxiom Class Action Dismissed For Lack Of Standing

Perhaps reflecting an emerging trend, a proposed class action against Acxiom Corporation was dismissed on October 3, 2006 because the named plaintiff failed to allege "injury in fact." Consequently, her "claims must be dismissed for lack of standing." Bell v. Acxiom Corp. , No. 4: 06-CV-00485-WRW,...

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E. Coli-Contaminated Spinach Likely To Raise Myriad Insurance Issues

Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued its initial alert of an apparent outbreak of spinach contaminated by E. coli bacteria (FDA Release #P06-131, Sept. 14, 2006), significant health and financial effects have reverberated nationwide. The FDA reports that, as of September 26,...

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Discovery Of Electronic Information: The Scylla Of Excessive Cost And The Charybdis Of Potential Sanctions

The discovery of electronic information, the extraordinary burdens and costs sometimes associated with such discovery, and the sanctions imposed in recent cases upon litigants who failed to comply with electronic discovery obligations are hot topics in the litigation world. It is not hard to see...

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