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The Future Of Cybersecurity

Editor: Ambassador Gross, please tell our readers about your background as U.S. Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy in the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs. Gross: I spent the first 15 years of my career in private practice. Then in 1994 I became in-house...

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Cybersecurity: A Briefing - Part II

Editor's Note:This is the second part of a two-part story on cybersecurity. The first part appeared in the July edition of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel and can be found at current.php?artType=view&EntryNo=9946. Cybersecurity Strategy In The Executive...

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Cybersecurity: A Briefing - Part I

This isPart I of a two-part story on cybersecurity. Summary On May 29, 2009, the Obama administration released the much-anticipated White House report and recommendations for federal cybersecurity strategy. This memorandum provides an overview of this report as well as recent cyber-...

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Protecting The Keys To The Castle: Obama Administration's New FOIA Policies Cause Agencies To Aggressively Seek Disclosure Of Contractor Proprietary Commercial Information

In an attempt to make good on his campaign pledge to "usher in a new era of open government," President Obama has enacted several reforms in recent months to increase the transparency, openness and accountability of government agencies. Of special concern to government contractors are the...

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Buying Aircraft From Distressed Sellers

When buying an aircraft from a seller under financial stress, the first thing a potential buyer usually thinks is, "I've got the leverage and I'm going to get an amazing deal." The buyer may get a bargain, but there are some unusual risks involved when buying from a distressed seller. If a buyer...

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Liquidation Of Troubled Businesses: Chapter 11 Liquidations Increasing

Liquidations of struggling enterprises can take several forms. While many people are familiar with the concept of a "bankruptcy liquidation," the structure of a liquidation in bankruptcy may vary depending upon the specific type of case. Additionally, bankruptcy is not the only forum for...

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Environmental And Safety Issues: Changes On The Way

Editor: Now that the Obama administration has been in place for several weeks, have there been any surprises in the environment and safety areas? Weinberg: No, the new administration has been pragmatic as we had expected but also is reversing some Bush administration policies. One...

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