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Hiring Your Discovery Consultant For Fraud Investigations

Editor: Please start our discussion by telling us how iDiscovery Solutions (iDS) evolved from its roots in expert testimony and strategic consulting into the realm of information governance and e-discovery technology and processes. Grobbel: This evolution was driven by clients who demanded the...

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44 Distinguished CLE Lecturers And Acclaimed Thomson Reuters Treatise

The New York County Lawyers’ Association will present a special CLE program on Tuesday, June 11, 2013. The title of the program is “Advice from More Experts: More Successful Strategies for Winning Commercial Cases in New York State Courts.” The format is exciting, the speakers...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

The Changing Landscape Of Liability For Natural Resource Damages

Many jurisdictions have announced that they plan to more actively pursue natural resource damages (“NRDs”) from potentially responsible parties (“PRPs”) deemed liable under CERCLA or Superfund. Recent developments in case law have changed the landscape when it comes to...

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