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Labor & Employment

Administrative Dissonance: National Labor Relations Board Decision Making In The Aftermath Of Noel Canning

The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB or Board), the federal agency responsible for enforcing labor laws applicable to most private sector employees in the United States, is once again embroiled in a political and legal controversy that arguably undermines the effectiveness of the agency in...

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Biotechnology | Life Sciences

Impending Myriad Decision Portends Promethean Consequences For Biotech Industry

Of technologies most likely to enjoy patent protection, a large percentage disproportionately emanate from a limited number of industries. Biotechnology is one such “patent-intensive” industry. Taken together, these industries constitute a foundation for supporting the development of...

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A New Avenue For E-Discovery Cost Recovery

E-discovery is often one of the largest expenses of litigation. In recent years, some prevailing parties in federal court have found a successful avenue for recovering those costs through a provision of the United States Code that provides for the reimbursement (known as “taxing”) of...

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