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DuPont Legal Finds A Trusted Partner In DTI Philippines Location

Editor: Why did you decide to outsource your review process? Catanzaro: DuPont has been outsourcing its review services for at least 15 years. We’ve had great success in utilizing outsource providers that concentrate on the task at hand; that are dedicated to finding motivated and highly...

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Corporate Counsel

Is There Real Recovery For Costs Associated With E-Discovery? It Depends.

Discovery is an essential part of any case, and processing electronically stored information (“ESI”) is often extremely costly. This process entails identifying custodians, collecting their data and then reviewing, analyzing and culling the material to determine what ESI is responsive...

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Predictive Coding: Making It Work

This article was published as part of Equivio's "Predictive Coding Minus the Hype" educational series. Introductio​n “What is really astonishing is how quickly predictive coding is gaining acceptance. Only a couple of years ago, everyone was saying ‘it’s...

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