More Discovery Articles

Department of Justice (DOJ)

The Government Is Investigating My Company: Now What? Practical Suggestions From The DOJ

The following is the Editor’s summary of an interactive panel entitled Legal and Strategic Considerations in Government Investigations featuring Allison C. Stanton, Director of E-Discovery, FOIA, and Records, Department of Justice – Civil Division; John Haried, Department of...

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The Best Of Both Worlds: With Axcelerate 5, Power And Simplicity Meet User-Centered Design

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Etheridge: As Senior Director of Product Strategy at Recommind, I’m responsible for driving the strategic vision of both the company and our product portfolio, and I have been very involved with the launch of Axcelerate 5. Prior...

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Corporate Counsel

Big Data Law And Hybrid Analytics In The Second Machine Age

In reading Erik Brynjolfsson’s and Andrew McAfee’s new book about the coming of The Second Machine Age (Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies), I couldn’t help but think about how the legal industry and e-discovery are already being positively...

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