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Successfully Riding Out A Storm And Looking To The Future!

Editor: Please describe the scope of the Economic Development Authority’s activity. What is the authority granted the agency by New Jersey’s legislature? To whom do you report? Brown: The New Jersey Economic Development Authority (EDA) was established in 1974 as an independent state...

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NJBIA: Advocating For Better Business In New Jersey

Editor: Please give our readers an introduction to the New Jersey Business & Industry Association (NJBIA). Tell us about your mission and membership. Kirschner: With 21,000 member companies, NJBIA is the nation’s largest state-level business association. We represent companies of...

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Pennsylvania’s Tom Corbett: Facing Historic Challenges With Real Reforms

Editor: What were some of the challenges you faced when coming into office? Corbett: When I came into office in 2011, we faced historic challenges. A $4.2 billion deficit and an economy shedding jobs threatened progress in Pennsylvania. Our business confidence was low, and our taxes were too...

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