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California Leads The Way!

Editor: Dario, please tell our readers about your former role as a Majority Leader of the California State Assembly. Who was the governor at the time you performed this service? Frommer: I served as Majority Leader under two governors, the first being Governor Gray Davis, for whom I had worked...

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First Latino California Bar President Begins 2014 Term With Ambitious Agenda

Editor: What led you to become the 89th president of the State Bar of California? Rodriguez: A lot of it has to do with what I went through as a kid. What shaped me was growing up in a very modest household and the struggles that my folks went through just providing for us. I pursued an...

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Maintaining A Balance Between Pro Bono And Private Equity

Editor: Please describe your practice in both the Texas and New York offices. Parel: My practice is primarily a private equity practice. I represent private and pension fund sponsors with a particular focus in the middle market. I started my practice in the Dallas office of Weil, worked...

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