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Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR)

A World-Class Firm With Roots In Atlanta

Editor: Tell us about King & Spalding, your role in the firm and practice areas covered in the Atlanta office. Prince: Celebrating more than 128 years of service, King & Spalding is an international law firm that represents a broad array of clients, including half of the Fortune...

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Real Estate

Do We Really Need To Hire Local Counsel For Our Texas Real Estate Deal?

The answer to the title of this article is an unequivocal, “yes!” Historically, Texas local counsel played a major role in Texas real estate transactions involving out-of-state parties. In recent years, the role of local counsel has diminished significantly, primarily because the...

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Boston: A Magnet City For Lawyers

Editor: Please describe Weil’s Boston office, its practice groups, and in particular, your practice. O’Toole: This past fall, Weil’s Boston office celebrated its tenth anniversary. Our office has been a tremendous success, and we remain confident for the years ahead knowing...

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