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Rulemaking In State Courts: A Rationale For Adopting ESI Provisions Of FRCP 26

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure were amended on December 1, 2006 to address discovery of electronically stored information (ESI). Among the amendments to the Federal Rules were significant changes to Rule 26 that provide additional protections to litigants who are dealing with a proliferation...

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A 21st Century Approach To Diversity

Editor: What is your background in diversity? Harris: I was fortunate to have mentorship early in my career from people who took a sincere interest in my professional development. I have attempted to extend this same commitment to others. I started my legal career in eastern Washington where I was...

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The Pacific Northwest - The Gateway To China

Editor: Would each of you tell our readers something about your professional experience? Willert: I am the Managing Director of Williams Kastner, and I have spent approximately 30 years of my professional practice in the labor and employment law arena. This includes a great deal of counseling on...

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Responding To Crisis-Related Employment Issues

Editor: Tell us about the scope of the firm's employment law practice. Willert: It includes all aspects of employment law, ERISA, compensation and benefit issues. As to litigation, we cover the entire gamut of employment related issues, including, among others, wrongful discharge, breach...

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DRI And LCJ - A Law Firm Perspective

Editor: Without Fear or Favor, the Report of DRI's Judicial Task Force is designed to protect the independence of the judiciary. What are your reactions? Willert: The right to a trial by fair and impartial juries and by fair and impartial judges must be preserved. The judicial system is...

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