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Poliner v. Texas Health Systems: Confirming Peer Review Immunity

In 1986, Congress, concerned about "[t]he increasing occurrence of medical malpractice and the need to improve the quality of medical care," sought to encourage good faith professional peer review activities and enacted the Health Care Quality Improvement Act ("HCQIA"), 42 U.S.C. 11101 et seq ....

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The Benefits Of A Coordinated And Focused Pro Bono Program

Most law firms and legal departments support pro bono work in some way. Williams Kastner has long encouraged and supported pro bono work. Historically, our attorneys have each pursued projects and causes of their own choosing. A few years ago, however, our firm made a decision to focus our...

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New Compliance Challenges: False Claims Act Amendments - FERA With More Pending

Editor: What was the purpose of the amendments to the federal False Claims Act (FCA) embodied in the recently enacted Fraud Enforcement and Recovery Act (FERA)? Willert: The intent of FERA was to expand the FCA to protect the U.S. and, in so doing, the citizens of this country against fraud...

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Is Self-Insurance Really Insurance? Uninsured Motorist Insurance And Personal Injury Protection Coverage Obligations For Self-Insurers - Part II

Editor's Note:Part I of this article appears in the May 2009 issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. In response to the economic downturn, businesses are considering self-insurance as a means to reduce expenses. A recurring question is whether the self-insurer is obligated to...

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Is Self-Insurance Really Insurance? Uninsured Motorist Insurance And Personal Injury Protection Coverage Obligations For Self-Insurers - Part I

This is the first of a two-part article.Part II of this article is scheduled to appear in the June issue of The Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. In these tough economic times, many businesses are looking for ways to cut expenses. For many, self-insurance is one solution. Before switching to a...

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Obama Administration Changes Employment Rules Of The Game

During the recent 2008 presidential election campaign, President Barack Obama had promised that his administration would bring "change" to Washington DC and the political process. With a nationwide shift in the mood toward safety and protection in the face of challenging economic times, and a...

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Managing Litigation Costs In Difficult Times

Editor: Would you please tell our readers something about your professional experience? Marks: I am a member of Williams Kastner in our Seattle office. My practice is primarily litigation, focusing on product liability and commercial disputes. I serve as a national trial counsel for several...

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