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The Pacific Northwest: And A Law Firm Close To China

Editor: Describe how your firm's relationship with Duan & Duan parallels the emergence of China as a major economic power. Aliment: The story begins when the University of Washington decided to establish a foreign lawyer program that would recruit foreign lawyers to the University of...

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Mortgage Loan Officers: Are You Paying Them Correctly?

In a move that surprised a number of financial and non-financial institutions, the United States Department of Labor ("DOL") changed its long-standing interpretation of the Fair Labor Standards Act as it relates to Mortgage Loan Officers. The DOL announced that mortgage loan officers would no...

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Hertz Corp. v. Friend - U.S. Supreme Court Adopts "Nerve Center" Test For Determining A Corporation's "Principal Place Of Business"

On February 23, 2010, the Supreme Court announced its decision in Hertz Corporation v. Friend, et al ., 559 U.S. ___, 130 S. Ct. 1181 (2010). The Court held that a corporation's "principal place of business" for determining federal diversity jurisdiction under 28 U.S.C. § 1332 is its "nerve...

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Health Care Reform's Big Impact On HR

Few people have read all 3,000-plus pages of the recently enacted Patient Protection & Affordable Care Act (Act) and the ensuing Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010, but no one doubts the compliance headaches these contentious pieces of legislation will present for human...

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An Early Pioneer In The Area of Diversity

Editor: Would you please tell our readers about your professional career? As a member of a minority, both as a woman and a person of color, what difference has this made in your career path, if any? Willert: I commenced my legal career with the King County Prosecutor's Office in the late 1970s....

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The ABA Section Goes To China

Editor: In September, you and Peter Antonucci of Greenberg Traurig LLP were co-chairs of a conference at Tsinghua University School of Law sponsored by the ABA's Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Sections and the International Law Committee of Tsinghua University. How did this Conference come...

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Alternative Dispute Resolution In International Business Transactions

Introduction Alternative dispute resolution ("ADR") is a procedure for settling a dispute by means other than litigation, such as arbitration, mediation, or minitrial.1Although arbitration and mediation are both considered forms of alternative dispute resolution, arbitration and mediation...

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