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Taking The Value Challenge Beyond Law Firms And Clients: Making Your Electronic Discovery Providers Step Up

Even before the economy deteriorated, the Association of Corporate Counsel began seriously examining the value relationship between law firms and their clients. Since the ACC Value Challenge program's official launch in September 2008, the financial struggles of many law firms have only...

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Proportionate Litigation

Proportionality has always been a guiding principle in Canadian Courts on a number of different issues including remedies, costs and Charter claims. Since January 2010, the Ontario Rules of Civil Procedure (the "Rules") have required a proportionality analysis to be conducted with respect to the...

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Case Study: Social Media - Assessment, Risks and Techniques (SM-ART)Applied Discovery In Partnership With Sensei Enterprises

Background And Risk A corporation with 5,000 employees with several field offices had recently become aware of the perils of social media. For years it had authorized blogs and a Facebook page - thankfully none had presented any problems. In the last year, though, several issues came to the...

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