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Choosing The Right Hosting Platform – And E-Discovery Company – Can Accelerate Document Review And Save Money

“One of the most persistent challenges of conducting litigation in the era of digital information” is “the costs of complying with discovery requests, particularly the costs of review,” according to Where the Money Goes: Understanding Litigant Expenditures for Producing...

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Banking | Finance

How Applied Discovery’s Legal Hold Services Can Help Companies Comply With Their Duty To Preserve

“By now, it should be abundantly clear that the duty to preserve means what it says and that a failure to preserve records – paper or electronic – and to search in the right places for those records, will inevitably result in the spoliation of evidence.” In 2010, in her...

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How To Manage The Costs Of Big Data In E-Discovery

Big data plagues litigants by escalating the already expensive process of e-discovery, requiring an even bigger solution. In sifting through voluminous data to locate information responsive to discovery requests, businesses spend hundreds of thousands – and sometimes millions – of...

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Corporate Counsel

How Project Management Adds Value To E-Discovery

Corporate leaders are under constant and mounting pressure to reduce legal expenses. In this environment, it may be tempting to approach e-discovery matters from a do-it-yourself perspective. But that can be costly in the long run. Instead, consider the value of project management as a cost-...

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Social Media Roundtable: Privacy Issues And Courtroom Implications

Editor: In what ways has social media altered the definition of privacy (and the reasonable expectation thereof), and how do you imagine it evolving going forward? Clark: The prevalence of social media has blurred the line between what information is public and private as well as the line...

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Predictive Tagging: It’s A Process, Not A Panacea

The staggering volume of electronically stored information (ESI) that companies retain today often renders it nearly impossible to manually review all data under tight discovery deadlines. The costs of reviewing each document in a collection of millions can also become prohibitive of proceeding...

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The Implications Of Pippins v. KPMG For The Preservation Of Evidence

Parties’ discovery obligations in potential class and collective action cases recently became even more complicated. On February 3, 2012, U.S. District Judge Colleen McMahon of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York ruled against KPMG’s objections to the...

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