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Roundtable: Key Technology Developments And Practical Advice

Editor: What new technologies are on the horizon that can expedite the work of corporate legal departments? Hellewell: One of the most time-intensive aspects of litigation is e-discovery. However, as technology continues to advance, corporate legal departments can use machine-assisted document...

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Transforming Data Into Knowledge To Reduce Costs And Improve Decisions

In 2010, Eric Schmidt, Google’s executive chairman and former CEO, remarked, “Between the birth of the world and 2003, there were five exabytes of information created. [Now] we create five exabytes every two days.” This massive volume of data means it is increasingly difficult...

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Roundtable: Technology Offers Proactive And Defensive Solutions

Editor: The New York Times recently reported that the Internet - including the cloud and social media - has become a dangerous place. Do you agree? Resnick: Yes, the Internet can be downright deadly if your company does not have the proper policies and protocols in place to ensure that your...

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Managing The Scope Of E-Discovery Requests In Antitrust Matters

The Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) are tasked with carrying out the mandate of the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976 (HSR). Under HSR, a party to a merger or an acquisition valued above a certain threshold must...

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Risks And Rewards: The Wild West Of Social Media

Much like electronic discovery only a few years ago, social media has a "Wild West" feel to many lawyers due to the uncertainty of obligations, technological limitations, and legal process. As it is difficult to discern the difference between opportunity and risk in the realm of social...

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Developing A Value-For-Services "Litmus Test": Applied Discovery And The ACC Value Challenge

A few months ago, Applied Discovery made a convincing argument to general counsel to re-evaluate their service providers based on the tenets of the Association of Corporate Counsel's Value Challenge. The Value Challenge, launched in 2008, has fostered discussions among clients, law firms, and...

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Don't Let A Data Breach Turn Your Case Into A Bet-The-Company Matter

Data security is one of the many risks in-house counsel must stay on top of. A data breach carries with it severe legal and regulatory implications and may be the quickest way for a company to lose the faith of its customers. When facing litigation, however, counsel often focus on what seem to be...

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