

Required Reading

Too busy to read it all? Try these books, blogs, webcasts, websites and other info resources curated by CCBJ especially for corporate counsel and legal ops professionals.

WHITE PAPER: U.S. Government

This 22-page white paper, which sports an almost impenetrable title, “Information on U.S. Privacy Safeguards Relevant to SCCs and Other EU Legal Bases for EU-U.S. Data Transfer after Schrems II,” prepared by the Department of Commerce, Department of Justice, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, provides a roadmap to the trove of public information about privacy protections related to government access to data for national security purposes. The focus is on issues of concern to the EU Court of Justice (ECJ) in Schrems II (Data Protection Commissioner v. Facebook Ireland and Maximillian Schrems), which upheld Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) as a basis in EU law for transferring personal data to non-EU countries. The ECJ put the onus on companies transferring data to analyze U.S. law related to intelligence agencies access to data, which is what makes this white paper so valuable.

PODCAST: In House Warrior

Okay, so this is not technically reading, but this daily podcast, moderated by Washington communications guru Richard Levick in partnership with CCBJ, provides keen insight for GCs on topical issues. Recent editions include: “The Burford View of Litigation Finance,” with David Perla, Co-COO of litigation finance powerhouse Burford Capital, talking about the rise of litigation funding and its significantly increased use by corporations and defense law firms as a tool for growth and expansion, and “The New Detectives – The Emerging Power of eDiscovery,” with Hunter McMahon, COO of IDS, talking about the growing power of eDiscovery and how its focus on “just the facts” and its ability to find needles in haystacks makes a dramatic difference in resolving legal disputes. You can find these and other In House Warrior podcasts at

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