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Legal Tech

How to Mitigate Risk When Managing Enterprise Data

Today, business is powered by best-of-breed apps. On average, companies are using 129+ applications to power their workforce - resulting in enterprise data taking on new formats and accumulating in more hard-to-reach silos than ever before.

Legal Tech

New Practices For 2021 Virtual Annual Meetings

Almost everything changed in 2020, and Annual General Meetings were no exception. Companies around the world adopted virtual technology, often on short notice.


Cut Outside E-discovery Spend in Half in 2021

Here's one New Year's resolution you can keep: cut your outside e-discovery spend in half--or more. Really.

Women in Business & Law - Your Personal Brand in the time of Disruption

Take time out and hear from the formation of women general counsel masterminds on executive coaching.


Legal Content Management Strategies to Do More with Less

As corporate counsel face uncertainty and mounting challenges—from new obligations around data privacy and cybersecurity threats to “doing more” with fewer resources—effectively managing documents and secure collaboration with stakeholders is more urgent than ever.