More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles


The Securities Class Action Opt-Out Plaintiff: By The Numbers

Securities class actions provide an efficient remedy when individual investors’ losses are small. When the amounts at issue are not sizable, aggregation of investors’ claims through the vehicle of a class action can provide recovery for investors where it would not have been in any...

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Information Barriers At Broker-Dealers

The SEC’s staff has released a report[1] of its observations following an examination of 19 brokerage firms’ programs to protect against the misuse of material nonpublic information (MNPI).[2] The reviews assessed each broker-dealer’s information barriers for compliance with...

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Finance | Private Equity

The Dodd-Frank Act: Two Years Later

Editor’s Note: This report discusses steps to reduce the likelihood of a future recession and is therefore of great importance to all our readers. Our thanks go to Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP and its Financial Regulatory Reform Working Group for their efforts. ...

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