More Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) Articles


Back To Basic: Proof Of Materiality Not Needed To Trigger The Fraud-On-The-Market Presumption Of Reliance

The United States Supreme Court held in Amgen v. Connecticut Retirement Plans & Trust Funds that investors need not prove materiality at the class certification stage to invoke the rebuttable presumption of reliance on public misrepresentations under Basic v. Levinson.[1] The 6-3 decision...

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SEC Releases Guidance On Application Of Regulation FD To Social Media Channels

On April 2, 2013, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) issued a Report of Investigation (the “Report”)[1] in connection with its investigation of whether a post by the chief executive officer of Netflix, Inc. on his personal Facebook page violated Regulation FD. The SEC...

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Board of Directors

Say On Pay 2013 And Some Governance Observations For Compensation Committees

Editor: Welcome back, Ken. Please start our discussion with an overview of some of the key governance considerations for compensation committees during this year’s proxy season. Kopelman: Thanks. Let’s focus today on three items I think directors, and especially compensation...

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