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Deepfakes Bring New Privacy and Cybersecurity Concerns

Advances in technology have created several new software tools that allow for the creation of fabricated content. These “deepfakes” may represent a social media phenomenon today, however, they will inevitably go beyond that status and become a feature in litigation, both civil and criminal.

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3 Challenges Corporate Legal Teams Face With BYOD

Jim Gill, content chief with Ipro, explores the challenges in-house teams may face as data collides with Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies.

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Lawyers and Business Consultants Team Up to Tackle Tough Privacy And Data Security Issues

Manatt’s incoming CEO, Donna Wilson, shares her holistic privacy and data security approach and promotes the power of a diverse team.

CCBJ: How did you come to your career in law, and what ultimately brought you to Manatt?

Donna Wilson: I grew up in South Jersey, outside of...

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