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Establishing A Defensible Approach To Technology-Assisted Review

The Limits Of Traditional Document Review In Electronic Discovery In the era of Big Data, litigation and investigations involving the collection and review of a terabyte of data or more are no longer uncommon. Technology has made it too simple to create and retain virtually limitless...

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The Multiple Personalities Of Pennsylvania Product Liability Law

“Anyone who isn’t confused really doesn’t understand the situation.” – Edward R. Murrow Introduction Because the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has not adopted the Restatement (Third) of Torts to replace the Restatement (Second) and, in a recent...

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Civil Justice

E-Discovery Considerations In Class Action Lawsuits

Editor: Why should the scope of e-discovery be limited? Should it presumptively be limited to information available in the ordinary course of business? Schulman: E-discovery continues to be one of the most costly stages of any litigation. The very first rule in the Federal Rules – Rule 1...

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