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Civil Justice

E-Discovery Technology And The Art Of Client Service

Editor: Kiersted Systems has a 30-year record of delivering superior results in electronic discovery projects – on time and on budget. What key factors do you address in helping clients manage today’s litigation costs? Kiersted: Clients are dealing with vast increases in data...

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Delaware Supreme Court Issues Important Ruling Barring Re-Litigation Of Stockholder Derivative Suit Under Collateral Estoppel

In a short but significant opinion with potentially wide-ranging implications for stockholder derivative law, on April 4, 2013, the Delaware Supreme Court unanimously ruled that: (1) a prior dismissal of a stockholder derivative suit for failure to allege demand futility precluded different...

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Intellectual Property

Standards-Essential Patents And Injunctive Relief

In a series of fast-moving and interrelated developments involving courts and competition authorities around the world, holders of patents deemed “essential” to industry standards are finding their ability to obtain injunctive relief for infringement of those patents under challenge...

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