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Nonparty Subpoenas: Why The Requestor Should Pay

Your client has just been served with a nonparty subpoena seeking broad categories of electronic documents and emails over many years. The mere search, review, and production of such ESI will be costly and time-consuming. The first question many clients ask is, who’s paying for this? As...

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Intellectual Property

Stopping The “Patent Troll”: Or, What You Need To Know About The Current Legislation To End Abusive Patent Litigation

Their names include the Patent Abuse Reduction Act (S. 1013), the Patent Litigation Integrity Act (S. 1612) and even the Saving High-Tech Innovators from Egregious Legal Disputes Act (nicknamed the SHIELD Act) (H.R. 845). Legislators on both sides of the aisle, along with President Obama, have...

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Corporate Counsel

Clerking At Both Circuit And Appellate Affords A Unique – And Valuable – Litigation Perspective

Editor: Please tell our readers about your professional background and your practice at Dykema. Tumialán: I graduated from the University of Missouri of Columbia with a political science major and then went straight to law school at Loyola University of Chicago. I worked briefly in the...

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