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Corporate Counsel

Keys To Creating A Successful Inside-Outside Counsel Partnership

In an age when the Internet and technology reign supreme and data is increasing exponentially, the future of litigation is changing. Corporations don’t have time or money to waste on stagnant legal plans and murky details; everyone is now operating in real time and decisions need to be...

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Insurance Coverage & Recovery

California Courts Reject Administrative/Production Dichotomy Analysis For Exempt Insurance Employees

The end of 2011 brought two significant labor and employment decisions that will have a large positive impact on insurance employers in California. In Harris v. Superior Court, 2011 WL 6823963 (Cal. Dec. 29, 2011), the California Supreme Court elaborated on the application of the...

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Debrief Of The DC Circuit Court's Oral Arguments In GHG Cases

Georgetown Climate Center The DC Circuit Court of Appeals heard oral argument on February 28 and 29 in four cases where petitioners challenged the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) regulation of greenhouse gases and related actions under the Clean Air Act. The petitioners...

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