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How Much “Competition,” If Any, Is Required To Establish Standing In Lanham Act False Advertising Cases – The Supreme Court Agrees To Hear Case On False Advertising Standing

Lanham Act false advertising law is largely consistent among the various federal circuit courts. However, one area of Lanham Act jurisprudence where the federal appellate courts do not see eye to eye concerns who has standing to sue under the Lanham Act’s false advertising prong. On...

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Intellectual Property

Mississippi Burning II: Eaton v. Frisby And The Ruin Of Best Intentions

General counsel and defense counsel know all too well that corporations are under stress in a world marked by erupting economic, political, and social media crises. A corporate enterprise can be brought to its knees by events beyond its control. A company’s plan to stabilize itself in the...

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FTC v. Actavis: The Supreme Court Decision And Going-Forward Scrutiny Of Reverse Payment Settlement Agreements

Introduction A controversy over what the Supreme Court has now defined as “reverse payment settlement agreements” has been brewing for years. A reverse payment settlement agreement is a settlement agreement resolving patent infringement litigation brought by an innovator against a...

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