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The USPTO’S Ongoing Campaign To Suppress The Right To U.S. District Court De Novo Review Of Administrative Decisions In Patent Applications And Of The Agency’s Post-Grant Review Of Issued Patents

Section 9(a) of recently introduced H.R. 3309 (113th Congress) would repeal 35 U.S.C. 145, which provides for de novo adjudicatory judicial review of adverse decisions of the Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO” or “Agency”) in administrative appeals from...

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Intellectual Property

China's New Trademark Law

China's new Trademark Law has been issued and will become effective on May 1, 2014. Important changes in the areas of anti-piracy, prosecution, enforcement, well-known mark determination and usage, opposition and cancellation have been made. Foreign companies and their counsel should be aware...

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Intellectual Property

Supreme Court To Resolve Circuit Split As To Availability Of Laches Defense To Copyright Infringement Claim

On October 1, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court granted certiorari in Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM),[1] which presents the question of whether a laches defense is available to bar all remedies for civil copyright infringement claims brought within the statutory three-year limitations period...

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