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Protecting European Data – The New Regime

The European data protection regime is one of the most stringent regimes in the world. The varying laws across EU member states and differing approaches to enforcing data breaches, however, has led to uneven treatment of individuals. The European Parliament is now in the final stages of...

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Pay Attention: While Malicious External Cybersecurity Threats Abound, Many Others Are Hidden In Plain Sight

Editor: Please tell us about your professional background. Bearfield: I started my career in the IT group at a Big 4 firm where I focused mainly on financial services firms with respect to compliance and internal controls. I then transitioned to Bank of America right around the time it...

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Information Governance: Solving The Problem Of Over-Preservation

Editor: Mary, what is the link between information governance and the proposed new Rules to be added to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure? Mack: The proposed Rules are intended to address some of the unintended consequences of the 2006 amendments that expanded the volume of electronic...

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