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Discovery Continuum Extends the Life of Your Data: With UBIC’s comprehensive approach to eDiscovery, insight from prior matters is available for current and ongoing data analysis

In eDiscovery, merely finding data isn’t sufficient; it needs to be used strategically for the greatest business benefit. Recent years have prioritized lowering eDiscovery costs and minimizing the total document population, but according to Elizabeth Erickson, an engagement manager and...

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Consumer Products

Chipping Away at Fraud Risk: EMV cards are transforming the cashless payment universe

MCC: MasterCard and Visa set a deadline of October 1 for U.S. financial card issuers to replace the familiar magnetic strips with EMV (chip) cards, and for merchants to start accepting them or face a shift in liability for fraudulent transactions to the party that has failed to adopt the new cards...

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Structured What? Leveraging structured data to build a better story

Let’s talk about data – structured data. Any IT analyst will tell you that all data is structured. He/she, for example, will note your Microsoft Word file is very highly structured and adheres to rigorous format rules and this is what defines and differentiates MS Word files, Excel...

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