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Data Analytics May Hold Key to Compliance with South Korea Anti-Graft Scheme

New anti-graft laws that were promulgated by President Park Geun-hye on March 26, 2015 will take effect in South Korea this month.[1] Consistent with other efforts around the globe to combat corruption, the new legislation prohibits the transfer of value to any public servants, employees of public...

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Finding the Needle in the Anti-Corruption Haystack

Regulators around the globe have been stepping up anti-corruption compliance efforts. The past few years have seen a marked uptick in both formal inquiries and legal actions related to money laundering and bribery, with regulators demanding increased access to company records. Given their global...

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After the Data Deluge: “Keep it all, keep it forever” won’t do any longer. As paradigms shift, information governance, including defensible data remediation, takes center stage

Most experts agree that a sound information governance and data remediation program is vital to driving an organization’s business and reducing its risk profile. But how and why and when and with whom are all questions under active consideration. In this interview, Therese Craparo of Reed...

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