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Information Governance Insights: Preserving and Collecting Structured Electronic Data Is Tricky

Today’s litigators are keenly aware of the need to effectively preserve electronically stored information (ESI) when new legal matters arise. And dealing with various types of unstructured data such as user-created documents and email messages has become quite routine. But preserving and...

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The Ethical Hacker: Technically Speaking, Cybersecurity Isn’t About Speaking Technically

These days cybersecurity seems to be all about technology. Pen testing, firewalls, port scanning, SIEM, zero-day, IPS, AES256, SHA, DMZ, NIDS, TLS, SS7 – I’ll stop. I could go on, but you get the idea. And I have a vested interest in keeping your attention. Acronyms and...

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Four Things Lawyers Can Do to Improve Cyber-Risk Programs: You need to think of yourself as both a steward and a shepherd

The role of corporate counsel has been rapidly evolving in the past few years. The scope of responsibilities has expanded beyond legal administrative tasks to include companywide risk management, cost control, regulatory compliance and other areas that affect the company’s reputation and...

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