More Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Articles


The FCPA: 35 Years Of Evolution

Editor: Proposals to amend the FCPA have been advanced this year. What changes do you see coming in the short to medium range? Moyer: There are really two paths for change. One is legislative, as there have been calls for amendments to the FCPA. The other is guidance from the Justice Department...

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FCPA Compliance: Staying Ahead Of Enforcement

Editor: Companies seem to be spending more and more on compliance programs. What’s driving this increased spend? Sklar: Over the last several years, there has been a trend towards increased enforcement – especially with international companies – which creates anxiety and...

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Why Good Compliance Programs Are Essential Under The FCPA And UK Bribery Act

Editor: Why has the passage of Dodd-Frank made it incumbent on U.S. companies to be extremely diligent in employing compliance programs to alert employees to the risks of violating the FCPA? Shane: The Dodd-Frank whistleblower provisions apply to violations of securities laws by public...

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