More Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Articles


Avoid The Slippery Slope By Practicing Strict Compliance With Global Antibribery Laws!

Editor: Please discuss the differences between the UK Bribery Act and the FCPA in their comprehensiveness and reach. Thompson: The two acts are similar in effectively making it illegal to offer, promise or give a bribe. One widely discussed difference is that the UK Bribery Act does not have an...

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Global Compliance Panel: Insights Of Four Former Prosecutors

Driver: I’d like to start by introducing our distinguished panel, all of whom are partners with Clifford Chance and formerly served as federal prosecutors. They have deep experience with international compliance regimes and the investigations that accompany them. Today’s panelists are...

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Libor-Related Insurance Claims Provide A Roadmap To The Issues Faced By Policyholders In Large Exposure D&O Claims

On June 27, Barclays Plc agreed to pay $448 million in fines to UK regulators over allegations that it improperly manipulated Libor and Euribor, the London interbank offered interest rate and Euro interbank interest rate applicable to loans made between banks and large corporations. Recent...

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