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Board of Directors

Total Recall: Diversity enters the fourth dimension in the boardroom and beyond

MCC: Let’s talk about how to define diversity when it comes to board directors. How has the definition evolved? Bew: The definition of diversity is becoming more comprehensive. Demographic diversity in terms of gender, race, ethnicity or age is usually what first comes to mind. In...

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Civil Justice

Experienced Trial Lawyer Becomes State Bar Leader During Challenging Times

Editor: First, congratulations on becoming the 90th president of the State Bar of California. Describe for our readers your path to becoming president. Holden: When I started practicing law some 20 years ago, I had mentors who encouraged me to become active in the State Bar, which I did by...

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The Chicago Office: A Bright Star In Jones Day’s Firmament

Editor: Please tell our readers about your background with Jones Day. Tabacchi: I am a Jones Day “lifer.” I started my career with Jones Day in Chicago in 1992. I began as a member of our New Lawyers Group and joined what is now called our Business & Tort Litigation practice. I...

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