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The Myth Of E-Discovery Commoditization: How To Move From Good To Great Vendors

Please visit the Kiersted / Systems, LP booth number 2113 at LegalTech on January 30 - February 1, 2012. The e-discovery industry is approaching maturity. There are extensive judicial guidelines and industry leaders, as well as a body of scholarship discussing the evolution of the field. Widely...

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Roundtable: Key Technology Developments And Practical Advice

Editor: What new technologies are on the horizon that can expedite the work of corporate legal departments? Hellewell: One of the most time-intensive aspects of litigation is e-discovery. However, as technology continues to advance, corporate legal departments can use machine-assisted document...

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Corporate Counsel

A Two-Pronged Approach To Handling E-Discovery

Editor: Please give our readers some knowledge of your background. Ross: I joined FTI in 2008 when the company acquired Strategic Discovery, a leading e-discovery services firm. I was Strategic Discovery’s chief operating officer responsible for e-discovery operations. With FTI, I led the...

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