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Predictive Coding And Technology-Assisted Review After Da Silva Moore

Editor: Skip, give us some background about your roles at Dorsey. Durocher: I am a litigator in the trial department of Dorsey & Whitney and work on e-discovery matters. Caroline works on the technology side of e-discovery. We have both been doing technology-assisted review for many years...

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How To Manage The Costs Of Big Data In E-Discovery

Big data plagues litigants by escalating the already expensive process of e-discovery, requiring an even bigger solution. In sifting through voluminous data to locate information responsive to discovery requests, businesses spend hundreds of thousands – and sometimes millions – of...

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The Dangers Of Waiting Too Long To Request Return Of Inadvertently Produced Privileged Information

One of litigation counsel’s worst nightmares in producing documents is the inadvertent production of privileged or work-product documents. In this age of electronically stored information where parties are often required to produce hundreds of thousands or even millions of pages of...

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