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Feedback From The Predictive Coding Trenches At LegalTech® 2013: Moving From “Is It Defensible?” To “What Are Best Practices?” In 12 Months

Editor: Please provide us with a brief definition of “predictive coding” for those who may not be familiar with it. Groom: “Predictive coding” is a technology-assisted review workflow that efficiently ranks documents in terms of relevance. A subject-matter expert (SME)...

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Risks And Rewards When Moving E-Discovery To The Cloud

Editor: Would you please share with us your professional background? Jacob: I have over 15 years' experience in information management, especially delivering IT managed services for mid-size and enterprise-sized organizations, and I have spent the last five years in e-discovery. I joined...

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A New Avenue For E-Discovery Cost Recovery

E-discovery is often one of the largest expenses of litigation. In recent years, some prevailing parties in federal court have found a successful avenue for recovering those costs through a provision of the United States Code that provides for the reimbursement (known as “taxing”) of...

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