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The Global Reach Of The UK Bribery Act

Editor: The UK Bribery Act is now in force. What major provisions distinguish this statute from the FCPA? In what respects does it have a broader reach? Williams: In a number of respects the UK Bribery Act has a broader reach than the FCPA in that activity that would not be an offense under the...

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Managing Today's Fraud And Misconduct Issues

Editor: Rich, what kinds of corporate fraud and misconduct are most prevalent in your experience at KMPG, considering we're coming off one of the worst economic slumps in memory? Girgenti: Corporate fraud and misconduct has evolved over the last decade. Going back to 2000 and 2001, we were...

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Mitigating FCPA Risk And Issues To Consider In Conducting Investigations

Editor: Please describe your activity and the services you provide to global companies. Engelhart: The Kreller Group, Inc. specializes in providing due diligence and background investigations worldwide on corporations and individuals. We also conduct international credit queries and assist...

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