More Anti-Corruption Articles


FCPA Compliance: Staying Ahead Of Enforcement

Editor: Companies seem to be spending more and more on compliance programs. What’s driving this increased spend? Sklar: Over the last several years, there has been a trend towards increased enforcement – especially with international companies – which creates anxiety and...

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Data Protection, Privacy And Disclosure Considerations For Multinational Corporations

Editor: How are today’s communications tools adding to the volume of electronically stored information (ESI) and changing the way investigation and enforcement actions take place, both in the U.S. and abroad? Mack: Law enforcement worldwide has been swinging to the stricter side...

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A Cautionary Lesson For Any Potential FCPA Targets

Editor: Has the passage of Dodd-Frank made it incumbent on U.S. companies to make any changes to their FCPA compliance programs? Harmon: Yes, I believe so. Among other things, Dodd-Frank established a whistleblower award program that incentivizes whistleblowers to report possible violations of...

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