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Tax Tips For 2006

Increased Gift Tax Annual Exclusion Under the federal gift tax laws, during any calendar year, each individual can make gifts that qualify for the "annual exclusion" without any gift tax consequences. For a number of years, the annual exclusion for gifts to each individual donee has been $11,000...

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Litigation Technology Strategies

Long gone are the days of multiple reprographic hard copy productions to several parties in a complex litigation matter. So too are the many trips to and from the court house for purposes of retrieving and initiating legal filings. The many hours paralegals spent reviewing pages of every...

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Terrell Owens Is A Great Example . . . Of How Documenting Discipline Works

Dig, if you will, a picture. A Sunday in October. But not just any Sunday. A Sunday of revelation, of epiphany. On this Sunday, I watch my beloved Philadelphia Eagles not from my own center-city apartment, but from a jam-packed sports-bar. My long-time buddies, Al and Mike, sitting next to me, we...

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Issues & Overview Me And Bobby McGee

Many lawyers (and HR professionals) often feel a sort of cognitive dissonance when it comes to employment law. We believe passionately in the underlying value of equal employment opportunity. After all, harassment and discrimination are more than just illegal; they are morally repugnant. Yet, many...

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Upcoming Merger Or Acquisition? Don't Forget Employee Benefits

In today's business climate, more and more employers are expanding their business through mergers or acquisitions. There are many issues to be considered as the details of a transaction are negotiated and implemented. Without proper planning, changes in corporate structure or the sale of a...

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Medicare Part D: Employers Must Comply With The New Regulations This Fall

The new federal Medicare Part D prescription drug program takes effect on January 1, 2006, and employers (including governmental entities and unions) that offer prescription drug coverage for employees or retirees must take steps now to comply with the Medicare Part D Regulations (the Regulations...

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Off Duty Blogging: What's Work Got To Do With It?

Introduction Web logs - blogs - are the rage in terms of individual expression. It is a wonderful way to tell the world - literally - how you feel. Of course, an employer can prevent an employee from blogging during working time or from using the employer's technology to blog. But what if the...

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