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The Flexible Workplace: Improving Work/Life Balance While Minimizing Legal Risk

In April, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) held a public meeting to discuss whether to develop guidance on work/family balance and the intersection with federal antidiscrimination laws.1 That the EEOC felt the need to convene a panel of experts to discuss how employers handle...

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Managing Saddam Hussein

On December 30, 2006, Saddam Hussein was executed. Even those who oppose capital punishment generally had little or no sympathy for him. After all, he was a ruthless leader responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis. Bottom line: if anyone deserved to be put to death, it...

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Look To The NFL . . . Modify Your Policies Before It's Too Late

Few would argue with the statement that the National Football League is one of the most successful, if not the most successful, of the professional sports organizations. The NFL is worth literally billions of dollars. The league's television contracts with Fox, NBC, CBS and ESPN bring in...

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Managing Exposure To Class Action Employment Discrimination Claims: Statistical Audits Of Human Resources Processes

This article explains why pre-litigation statistical audits of employment processes may be useful, the steps for conducting audits of this nature and examples of how audit outcomes have been utilized by employers. Why Conduct A Pre-Litigation Statistical Audit? On March 7, 2007, the Equal...

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It's More Than Just Good Manners: Fostering An Ethical Working Environment

When you play Monopoly with your son for the first time and he keeps rolling the dice until he gets the number he wants, your parental instinct kicks in and you remind him that no one wants to play with a cheater. When he responds by telling you that it is all right because you can cheat too, then...

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Diversity v. Title VII

Introduction Your company has eight vice presidents. Seven are male and all eight are white. One of the white men gives notice of his retirement. You are excited that his retirement provides you with a welcome opportunity to increase diversity. But, you also understand that, while Title VII was...

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When They Come Home: A Refresher On USERRA's Reemployment Obligations For Employees Returning From Military Leave

While the political battle regarding what to do about the war in Iraq rages on, it seems possible that some of our troops will be coming home. When and under what circumstances remain uncertain, making it difficult for employers to plan for the reintroduction of returning service members into the...

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