Kirk J. Nahra

Wiley Rein LLP

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Recently by Kirk J. Nahra


The Tensions And Overlaps Between Cyber And Data Security

Cybersecurity is a hot buzz word in Washington these days. Congress debates the impact of cybersecurity risks on a wide range of national concerns. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns about the risk of cyber attacks on medical devices. The White House is implementing an ...

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First Circuit Decision Opens The Door For Data Breach Suits

Businesses may wish to take special note of the First Circuit's October 20 decision in Anderson v. Hannaford Brothers Co. (2011 U.S. App. Lexis 21239), because it could well open the door for class actions against companies that suffer data breaches. Thus, it may signal an end to the...

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The Increasing Complexity Of Privacy and Security Law

Editor: Please tell our readers about your practice area. Nahra: My work is hard to pigeonhole. There are basically three components to my practice: first is health care work, which includes defending investigations, compliance programs, and regulatory advice on health care and health insurance...

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Assessing And Managing Your Privacy and Security Risks - Part II

Part I of this article, which can be found on our website at, introduced the need for companies in all industries to conduct a privacy and information security risk assessment and identified some of the preliminary steps for this assessment. Part II of this article...

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Assessing And Managing Your Privacy and Security Risks - Part I

Part 1 of this Article introduces the need for companies in all industries to conduct a privacy and information security risk assessment, and identifies some of the preliminary steps for this assessment. Part II of this Article will identify the remaining steps necessary for a thorough and...

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