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Cognitive Barriers To Success In Mediation Irrational Attachments To Positions And Other Errors Of Perception That Impact Settlement Decisions

When preparing for mediation, most parties establish benchmarks for settlement in advance of the process. After assessing the likely risks and costs of litigation, most parties identify settlement ranges and some establish tentative "bottom lines." Often these assessments are unconsciously...

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The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act: What Your Business Needs To Know

Imagine that your company is about to launch a new product in the market and you want to invite prospective customers to a seminar to explain how the product works. Part of the company's marketing initiative includes paying for the prospective customers' travel and lodging expenses, including...

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Board Minutes - A Degree Of Precision?

It is the mark of an educated mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness where only an approximation is possible. - Aristotle In this era of financial instability, directors of banks are under increasing pressure...

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Executive Compensation And Corporate Governance Provisions Of The Dodd-Frank Act

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Act) was enacted by Congress on July 15, 2010, and was signed into law by President Obama on July 21, 2010.1While the Act primarily relates to reform of business practices of financial institutions, it also contains extensive...

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Scrutiny Of Annuity Sales Increasing: Are You Prepared?

In the past decade, insurers have seen a tremendous growth in the sales of annuities, many to senior consumers. This growth, unfortunately, has been coupled with increased complaints of inappropriate, unsuitable and even fraudulent sales of annuities. As one example, recent media coverage and...

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Pennsylvania As A Prototype For Recovery

Mr. Saler was ranked one of the "Top 50 Influential Democrats in Pennsylvania" by Politics Magazine . He was also recognized by Philadelphia Magazine as one of its "People to Watch '08," and was identified as a member of the "Nutter Brain Trust" referring to his role in Michael Nutter's campaign...

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Show Me The Money: Simple Strategies For Small And Midsized Businesses Seeking Capital

The financial crisis facing the United States is front-page news on a daily basis. Although the tone of the message has improved in recent weeks, we can't escape the reminders of the financial pressures on all levels of our economy. Homeowners are experiencing decreased buying power due to the...

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