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Garth Brooks Has Friends In “Law Places”:[1] Donor-Restricted Gifts And The Consequences For Nonprofits

When can charities be required to return restricted gifts to donors? While a gift is considered complete when accepted, there are times when donors can not only enforce restrictions but also have their gifts returned from noncompliant charities. On January 24, 2012, an Oklahoma jury awarded...

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Law Enforcement

Government Affairs Update: Lobbying Regulation Has Arrived In Philadelphia

On January 3, 2012, the City of Philadelphia’s new lobbying ordinance went into effect. A close cousin to the statewide Pennsylvania lobbying law, the Philadelphia ordinance (found at City Code §§20-1201 to 1210, and implemented by Board of Ethics Regulation No. 9) requires those...

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Finance | Private Equity

New Regulatory Filing Requirements For Advisers To Private Investment Funds

One of the many elements of the implementation of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (the Dodd-Frank Act) is the adoption of rules requiring investment advisers to submit information about the private funds they manage. This is a significant development because it means...

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Is A Facebook Page Worth Your Job? E-Discovery And Spoliation In The Age Of Social Media

Social media has become a vital way to communicate with friends, family and colleagues. Status updates, tweets and texts have rapidly replaced letters and telephone calls as the preferred methods of communication for a large segment of the population. Indeed, recent figures indicate that one out...

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Labor & Employment

Competing Interests: Employment Anti-Discrimination Law Collides With The First Amendment Rights Of Religious Institutions

In mid-January 2012, a mere 10 weeks after oral argument, a unanimous Supreme Court held that, under the First Amendment, religious institutions could hire and fire ministry personnel according to their own internal principles and needs. Although the Court rejected application of secular and...

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Employee Benefits (ERISA)

Retirement Experts Provide Insights Into Impending Regulatory Changes In Retirement Plan Offerings

William Simon, Managing Director, Retirement Plan Services at Brinker Capital, joins David Franceski, Partner, Stradley Ronon Stevens & Young LLP in answering some frequently asked questions about contemplated regulatory changes impacting the retirement landscape. As the employee-sponsored...

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Business Acumen And Regulatory Experience Enrich Healthcare Practice

Editor: You served as chief operating officer of multiple acute-care hospitals throughout the United States. What prompted you to make the change to work for a law firm? Grimm: Running hospitals is very challenging and rewarding work and requires balancing the needs and goals of multiple...

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