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The True Meaning Of Partnering

Editor: Could you please tell our readers about your firm's litigation practice group? Hogan: Phillips Lytle's Litigation Practice Group has just under 100 attorneys in seven offices throughout the state. We practice all aspects of litigation, except for matrimonial and criminal law (other than...

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Advising Clients On Greenhouse Gas Emissions' Reporting

Editor: What business sectors are likely to be most affected by disclosure requirements linked to climate changes issues? Flynn : The business sectors that are likely to be most affected are those with significant greenhouse gas exposure - the energy sector, the utility companies, and...

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Outside Counsel And Toxic Tort Litigation: Measuring Success And Adding Value

Serving as the relationship manager and handling toxic tort litigation for one of my law firm's significant clients for over a decade, I am occasionally asked by my colleagues to provide a list of our "successes" for marketing purposes. Despite the fact that we have a lengthy record of achieving...

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Reaping Tangible Benefits From Intangible Assets: Financing Intellectual Property

The transition from an industrial-based economy to a service-based economy presents new challenges and opportunities for lenders. Traditionally, borrowers sought to monetize inventory and receivables for working capital needs and to finance the acquisition and development of property, plant and...

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Protecting Trade Secrets In A Union Environment

Introduction In the 21st century, filled with world-wide competition and industrial espionage, corporations seek to zealously protect their trade secrets. But, where unionized employees or their representatives have access to corporate trade secrets, a serious loophole may develop in one's own...

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