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The NLRB Is On The Offensive

When President Obama took office in 2009, one of the top priorities of his administration and the Democratic-controlled Congress was passage of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).EFCAwould have dramatically altered the labor relations landscape by removing an employer's right to insist on a...

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Cross-Border Fundamentals: Considerations For Canadian Business Expansion Into The United States

The United States and Canada enjoy the most comprehensive economic and trading relationship in the world. Through July 2010, $300 billion in imports and exports have been exchanged, with approximately $160 billion in imports from Canada.1As a result of the flourishing economic and trading...

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Sharing Core Values And Doing The Right Thing

The recent economic tumult has brought many venerable companies and law firms to dissolution, and has inspired those still standing to reflect on their past and their future. In 2009, DuPont is 207 years old, and our law firm, Phillips Lytle, is celebrating its 175th anniversary. We are honored to...

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Western New York - A Hub for International Business

Editor: Would you please describe your professional background for our readers? Attea: I have been in practice with Phillips Lytle for 45 years, and for 40 of those years I have focused on corporate work with an emphasis on mergers and acquisitions and securities law. We routinely assist...

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The Increasing Risk That Civil And Administrative Matters Will Become Criminal Investigations

Introduction There have never before been more demands on executives and in-house counsel at successful small to medium sized companies. Navigating the increasingly stringent regulatory environment is just one more added pressure. Increasingly, normal, run-of-the-mill civil and...

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Lenders And Counsel, Beware Of Usury Pitfalls

These are challenging times for lenders. Problems sourcing funds coupled with heightened risk in volatile markets make finding good customers and hurdling profit expectations difficult. While New York State's usury laws do not affect most business transactions, lenders should remain aware of...

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Reductions In Force (RIF): Dos, Don'ts and Other Considerations

Editor: Please tell us about your professional experience. Leonard: I am a member of the firm's Labor and Employment group in New York City. My practice focuses on employment litigation, discrimination claims, counseling, restrictive covenants, wage and hour issues and anti-harassment...

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