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Director Liability: WorldCom And Enron Directors' Recently Proposed Settlements - The New Reality Of Personal Liability For Directors

Historically, outside directors enjoyed a safe harbor created by the interplay of the state corporate law business judgment rule defense as well as the two "I's": indemnification (by the corporation) and (directors' and officers' liability) insurance. However, the recent Delaware law decisions in...

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Atlanta And The Southeast - Law Firms Involvement In The Community Grounds A Law Firm's Place In Atlanta

Editor: Mr. Haidet, would you tell our readers something about your background? Haidet: I grew up in Ohio and attended Miami University for my undergraduate degree and the University of Toledo Law School for my legal studies. It may seem unusual that an Ohio law school graduate would choose an...

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Administrative Remedies Aimed At Combating Procurement Fraud - Suspension And Debarment

Under the Federal Acquisition Regulations, agencies of the United States Government are permitted to contract only with "responsible" contractors.1 Suspension and debarment are discretionary administrative remedies taken by the Government to help ensure that this policy is effectuated.2 Companies...

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Supreme Court Determines Extraterritorial Reach Of U.S. Antitrust Laws

In its last term, the U.S. Supreme Court issued two opinions dealing with the international application of U.S. antitrust laws. On June 14, 2004, the Supreme Court issued its opinion in F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd. v. Empagran S.A. , No. 03-724.1 and a week later decided Intel Corp. v . Advanced...

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A World Without H-1B Visas

On October 1, 2004, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services ("CIS") (f/k/a Immigration and Naturalization Service or "INS") announced that the annual 65,000-person limit ("cap")1 on new H-1B2 cases had already been reached for Fiscal Year 2005 (October 1, 2004-October 1, 2005) and that CIS...

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Canada - Law Firms A Former U.S. Ambassador To Canada On U.S.-Canadian Trade Relations

Editor: Ambassador Giffin, you have had a very interesting career. Would you provide our readers with a summary? Giffin: Following law school, I was privileged to spend almost five years working in the U.S. Senate as legislative director and chief counsel to Senator Sam Nunn. It was an...

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Increased Responsibilities For Corporate Directors, Senior Management And Corporate Counsel

Editor: Your background in corporate governance is extensive. In the post-Enron era, corporate executives and directors have new responsibilities. For starters, would you summarize the responsibilities in place before the corporate scandals and Sarbanes-Oxley? Wardell: Many of the things that...

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